DUKAI István

1987, Zenta, YUG

István Dukai is a graphic designer and visual artist currently living and working in Budapest and Eger, Hungary. He burst into the contemporary art scene in 2023 with his solo exhibition CONTRAST, organized as part of the Inota audiovisual festival. In 2023, he had several solo exhibitions: in 2023, Shine on me like it’s nothing with Bence Magyarlaki at Heart & Cherry, in 2024, Tactical at ArtKartell Projekt Space, Symmetry Symptoms at Kisnánai Kastély, New Works – Studio visit with Heart & Cherry and Horda Art Collective, and in 2024, he participated in a group exhibition at Est/Quest 2, Abstract Project Gallery in Paris. In 2024, he was nominated for the HAB Award Creativity Competition and Research Scholarship and was included in the Trendsetters Cool list of InStyle Hungary Magazine. He has created a fashion collection 2024-25 in collaboration with Hungarian fashion brand NUBU. Interviews and articles about him appear regularly in magazines such as Longitúdinés Magazine, Create! Magazine, Art Seen – The Curator’s Salon Magazine, Al-Tyba9 Contemporary Art Magazine, Octogon Magazine, PS Magazine, Roadster Magazine and Visual Art Journal Magazine. His works can be found in several private collections, including the Corvin Palace Art Collection.